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  1. Customer service information
  2. Contact numbers for information, faults or indication of consumption
  3. The sending details of the bill (Name and address)
  4. The total amount of debt arising after the issue of this bill
  5. The due date for payment of this bill
  6. The consistency deduction applicable to this account and resulting from the last bill of discharge
  7. The Electronic Payment Code for the payment of the account
  8. The type of invoice according to the type of supply and your contract
  9. The serial number of the bill
  10. The date of issue of the bill
  11. The supply number of the property or installation supplied with electricity
  12. The consumption period of the bill
  13. The address to which the electrified supply belongs
  14. The total number of days in the consumption period
  15. The date of the next metering by the Network Operator (DEDDIE)
  16. The total consumption in kWh for the consumption period
  17. The amount of the guarantee paid
  18. The type of consumption bill. Bill of discharge (actual consumption) or interim estimated bill (consumption based on historical data)
  19. 19 & 19A The cost and method of calculation of the competitive charges incurred for the electricity consumption indicated in the bill
  20. 20 & 20A The cost and the way of calculation of the regulated charges (Transmission and Distribution Network Charge, Utility Services, Special Emission Reduction Charge, Other Charges)
  21. The cost and method of calculation of VAT (21 & 21A)
  22. The cost and method of calculation of charges and taxes payable to the State (excise duty, Special 5/1000 levy) (22 & 22A)
  23. The cost and method of calculation of charges for ERT and the municipality owning the property (Municipal Fees, Municipal Tax, Real Estate Tax) (23 & 23A)
  24. The costs resulting from the charges in this account
  25. The amount that has already been paid through interim estimated bill that preceded the bill of discharge
  26. Any outstanding debts from previous accounts
  27. The supply meter readings for day, night, reactive, RES production and the supply data (agreed capacity, transformation factor, power factor, chargeable demand)
  28. Miscellaneous Notifications and information on the payment of the bill
  29. Miscellaneous Notices and information and mean of communication with EUNICE POWER
  30. The contribution of each energy source to the total fuel mix for the whole of Greece in the month indicated in the respective bill
  31. Ways of paying the bill
  32. Exceptional charges that may be exceptionally present such as e.g. Guarantee Charge or Credit, Charges for services of the DEDDIE.


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